How do we find our own style?
Do you have your own unique style? I have been painting for about 24 years now and my work is definitely realistic, although I have been...
Getting ready for an exhibition
Do you exhibit your work? The last time I had a proper exhibition of my work with an opening night and everything that goes with it, was...
My Art Journey
Do you have formal training, are you self-taught or a bit of both? My earliest memory of painting was at the age of five. I sat down at...
Favourite Art Quotes
Do you have any favourite art quotes? I have been busy spending time with my daughter, who is visiting from Bali, and packing for our...
Using your creative talent to support a good cause
Do you use your creative talent to support something you are passionate about? My daughter, through her Facebook Page Jahru, supports dog...
The Travelling Artist
Do you take your art materials on holidays with you? My husband and I travel for about 5 months of the year with our caravan. We will be...
Life Changing Advice
Have you ever received any life changing advice? My brother, who is also an Artist, shared this piece of advice from Ira Glass on...
Is it in the Genes?
How do we become Painters … Creators … Musicians … Poets … Authors … and the list goes on! Where do we get our talent? Is it something we...
The creative rut
Most of us have been there … you finally get time to paint and suddenly you lose all motivation! The first time I got into a serious...
How are YOU inspired to paint?
How do Artists come up with the ideas for creating art? Some very creative Artists use their imagination. My brother is one such Artist...